Make n Take a Robot Camps
Make n Take a Robot programs are 5-day, 2 hours/day camps where the attendees learn how to build a STEAMbot Robot, how to control it and how to program it. At the end of the camp, the attendee gets to take home their STEAMbot and continue their learning experience. For now, these camps are only available in the Birmingham, AL area. Stay tune for the camps that will take place summer of 2025. Here’s a video of the different camps we held summer of 2023 (those took place in Gainesville, FL).
STEAMbot v2 Robot Kit
Our second version of our STEAMbot Robot Kit is available now for ordering, check it out!
If you have problems updating the firmware, see the section on updating the firmware under the STEAMbot User Guides page.
Why Robotics?
When a person learns about robotics, they will learn about the following fields:
- Mechanical engineering – how is the robot designed to mechanically work together and make sure all the parts fit and not fall apart.
- Electrical engineering – most robots use some sort of electricity to function. In addition, when a sensor or actuator is connected, it has to be connected electrically correct. Otherwise, the sensor or actuator will not work.
- Computer science – A general purpose robot can perform different functions or tasks, depending on its programming. Learning computer science allows a person to program a robot to perform the different functions or tasks.
Our Beliefs
The STEAM Train believes that young people who learn about Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math (STEAM), will have the opportunity for a better future. While STEM is very important, adding Art makes it even better. As Steve Jobs once stated: “That’s not what we think design is. It’s not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”
The STEAM Train also strongly believes in the KISS principle. So our products are not complicated. And although simple, learning with our products will allow young people to have the opportunity for a better future.
While there are many very good STEAM products in the market, most are not affordable for everyone. The STEAM Train believes that every young person (that wants to) should be able to get STEAM products, no matter their socio-economic background. These young people should have the products at home to freely explore, experiment, learn, fail, retry and succeed in the safety of their homes.
Shop Now for our STEAM-related products.
The Importance of STEAM (and STEM)
Here are some links that talk about the importance of STEAM:
- The Importance of STEAM
- Why STEAM is Great Policy for the Future of Education
- What is STEAM and Why is it Important?
- Why STEM should be STEAM
- Analysis showing shortage of STE[A]M Graduates
- In our opinion, Design is a form of Art and very important
- How art, technology and design inform creative leaders
- There’s Something Missing From STEM Learning
- An Untapped Resource
- This should not be happening: Not Enough Women and Minorities in STEM Fields
- Robotics, AI put pressure on K-12 education to adapt and evolve
- From a few years back but still valid: Robots in the Classroom: What Are They Good For?
- If you’re a parent in the US, why your children should get involved with STEAM.
- A Bright Future Awaits Prospective Robotics Engineers
- Want more opportunities for a better future? Learn Computer Science.
- A possible solution for a shortage of STE[A]M teachers.
- Know anyone interested in Robotics? Check this story out.
- BMW Needs More Robot Experts
- Kudos to Raytheon and the Boys & Girls Club for building Centers of Innovation for children of our military.
- The need for people in STEAM: AI Means More Jobs, Not Less
- You decide: Engineering Job Growth: Is It Time to Shake the Magic 8-Ball?
- A good start (but more is needed): Trump directs $200 million to tech education for women and minorities
- ‘STEM Deserts’ in the Poorest Schools: How Can We Fix Them?
- Educational Robotics Critical for the Future of Linux
- The Importance Of Learning Coding (Programming)
- Really good news: Afghan Girls Allowed To Compete!
- The team wins European competition!
- Really bad news: Trump Budget Endangers STEM Learning
- What to Do When Machines Do Everything? Don’t Panic!
- Emerging Research on K-12 Computer Science Education: 6 Trends to Watch
- Good resources for STE[A]M teachers: The Search for Real-World STEM Problems
- More states should do this: States Adopt STEM Seals for High School Diplomas
- Congressional Panel Asks: What K-12 Skills Are Needed for STEM Workforce?
- Great news for Girl Scouts: New Robotics Badges for Girl Scouts
- Good list of resources for women in STE[A]M.
- Great video about Women In Hardware.